For the perfect life you dream of, anchor your dreams in this marina
For the perfect life you dream of, anchor your dreams in this marina
Quiet, calm and peaceful... A life in harmony with human nature...
Move to the Industrial Park of the Future Today!
Immediate Delivery Apartments and Commercial Spaces in Demir Life, the Shining Star of Istanbul
Our company, which has a long history, has always prioritized client satisfaction by
maintaining its leadership in the sector.
Our vision is to shape the changes in the sector with innovation and client orientation and to provide the best service.
Our mission is to provide our clients with the best products and services to meet their needs and ensure their satisfaction.
Demir Holding kültürü, geleceğe hizmet etmek demektir, bunu yaparken de insan odaklı bakış açımız bizleri bugüne kadarki tecrübelerimizde hiç yanıltmadı. Biz çalışanlarımızın en değerli kaynağımız olduğunun her zaman farkındayız. Bu sebeple çalışanlarımızın ihtiyaçlarına en hızlı şekilde çözüm bulmaya çalışırız, bu yaklaşımımız da her zaman, kaliteli ve mutlu bir çalışma ortamında maksimum fayda ile işlerini sevmelerini ve kurumu sahiplenmelerini sağlamıştır.
Grubumuz bünyesinde yer alacak çalışma arkadaşlarımızı seçerken gösterdiğimiz azami özen, birlik ve beraberlik anlayışı içinde hareket edebilmeyi beraberinde getirir. Hizmet verdiğimiz farklı sektörlerde ,çeşitli alanlarda düzenlediğimiz eğitimlerle çalışanlarımızın performanslarını artırmanın yanı sıra, bilgi ve becerilerini geliştirerek kariyer planlamalarında onlara rehberlik edebilmeyi amaçlıyoruz.
See Career OpportunitiesDemir Holding’s culture is to serve the future, and our people-oriented perspective has never misled us in our experience. We are always aware that our employees are our most valuable resource. For this reason, we try to find solutions to the needs of our employees as quickly as possible, and this approach has always ensured that they love their jobs and embrace the organization with maximum benefit in a quality and happy working environment.
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Disclosure Text For Contact Form
In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“PDPL”) and the Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 (European Data Protection Regulation or “GDPR”) and other applicable legislation, your personal data can be processed by data controller Demir Grup Yapı İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi (“Company”) based in “Büyükdere Cad. No.74 D Torun Center Office Kule K:11 N:45 Şişli/İstanbul”, in the scope of the details explained in this text.
1. Purpose of Processing Personal Data
Personal data belonging to you in the category of identity and communication; it is collected as a result of your application through our "Contact Form" service on our website. The information you have transferred via the Contact Form is processed for the purposes of providing information, receiving your wishes and suggestions, and collecting complaints in order to provide the realization of the activities of the Company.
Apart from those listed above, your personal data may be processed for the preparation and presentation of various reports, analyzes and studies in order to ensure that you can benefit from the services offered by our Company without any problems, and to develop its activities for the purposes of the Company, provided that your fundamental rights and freedoms are not harmed.
2. Method and Legal Basis of Collecting Personal Data
Your personal data is collected electronically through the digital form you have filled in so that you can benefit from the service we offer through the Contact Form field on our website.
Your personal data is processed for necessary for the legitimate interests pursued by our Company, provided that this processing shall not violate the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject and relating the legal reason of obtaining explicit consent.
3. Transfer of Personal Data and Purpose of Transfer
The purpose of transferring the data is in line with the purpose of processing personal data. The personal data processed can be transferred to our business partners, affiliates, suppliers, to our legal consultants in order to follow up and execute legal, affairs authorized public institutions, authorised by the law, or a valid legislative provision, court order or regulation and individuals in accordance with data processing conditions and purposes stated under the Law and GDPR. (in particular Article 6(1) and recital 48 of GDPR; and in Article 8 and 9 of PDPL)
4. Application to the Data Controller and Your Rights
According to the Article 11 of PDPL and Article 12 of GDPR, you also have the following rights:
You can send your requests to the Company according to Comminuque on the Principles and Procedures for the Request to Data Controller. You can also direct your applications to us by fill out the Application Form on our website and by submit it to the address “Büyükdere Cad. No.74 D Torun Center Office Kule K:11 N:45 Şişli/İstanbul” via registered letter or to the [●] e-mail adress.
Our Company fulfills your requests as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest and once for free of charge. However, requester may be charged for following requests or for the initial request if the action taken on the request requires additional cost. Our Company can accept and process the request or reject the request in writing by explaining its reason.
You are entitled to file a complaint to the Turkish Board of Personal Data Protection (“Board”) within thirty days as of the notification of the reply and in all cases within sixty days if the application is rejected after carrying out the procedure mentioned above, the reply is deemed to be insufficient or the requests are not responded in a timely manner. However, the complaint cannot be filed without exhausting this application process.
The Board may conduct the necessary inspections within its field of duty upon receiving a complaint or ex officio upon detecting a breach. The complaint shall be examined by the Board and answers shall be provided to those concerned. If no replies are given within sixty days as of the date of the complaint, the request shall be deemed to be rejected. If, as a result of inspections upon receiving a complaint or ex officio investigation, a breach is detected, the Board shall rule the identified contraventions of law to be eliminated by the data controller, and shall notify those concerned accordingly. This decision shall be fulfilled without delay but no later than within thirty days as of the notification of the decision. The Board is authorized to halt data processing or international transfer of data if damages that are hard or impossible to compensate occur and if there is an explicit infringement of the law.
We would like to emphasize that your data is meticulously protected by the Company and thank you for the trust that you place in us.
Privacy Notice
In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“PDPL”) and the Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 (European Data Protection Regulation or “GDPR”) and other applicable legislation, your personal data can be processed by data controller Demir Grup Yapı İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi (“Company”) based in “Büyükdere Cad. No.74 D Torun Center Office Kule K:11 N:45 Şişli/İstanbul” in the scope of the details explained in this text.
1. Purpose of Processing Personal Data
Your personal data obtained as you visit our website, may be processed by the Company for the purposes listed below and in complaint with PDPL and GDPR:
2. Method and Legal Basis for Collecting Your Personal Data
Your personal data is collected by the Company in written and electronic media as part of the data recording system, by means of cookies, which are technical communication files, due to your visit to our website, and by fully or partially automatic methods for the purposes specified in this Privacy Notice. For detailed information about cookies, please review the Cookie Notice. Your personal data collected other than cookies are collected in non-automatic ways by filling in the forms on the website.
Your personal data is processed in accordance with the following legal reasons:
3. Transferred of Personal Data
The purpose of transferring the data is in line with the purpose of processing personal data. Your collected personal data may be transferred to our business partners and suppliers (outsourcing service providers, hosting service providers), corporate affiliates, authorized public institutions, authorised by the law, or a valid legislative provision, court order or regulation and individuals in accordance with data processing conditions and purposes stated under the Law and GDPR. (in particular Article 6(1) and recital 48 of GDPR; and in Article 8 and 9 of PDPL)
4. Application to the Data Controller and Your Rights
According to the Article 11 of PDPL and Article 12 of GDPR, you also have the following rights:
You can send your requests to the Company according to Comminuque on the Principles and Procedures for the Request to Data Controller. You can also direct your applications to us by submit it to the address “Büyükdere Cad. No.74 D Torun Center Office Kule K:11 N:45 Şişli/İstanbul” via registered letter or to the [●] e-mail adress.
Our Company fulfills your requests as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest and once for free of charge. However, requester may be charged for following requests or for the initial request if the action taken on the request requires additional cost. Our Company can accept and process the request or reject the request in writing by explaining its reason.
You are entitled to file a complaint to the Turkish Board of Personal Data Protection (“Board”) within thirty days as of the notification of the reply and in all cases within sixty days if the application is rejected after carrying out the procedure mentioned above, the reply is deemed to be insufficient or the requests are not responded in a timely manner. However, the complaint cannot be filed without exhausting this application process.
The Board may conduct the necessary inspections within its field of duty upon receiving a complaint or ex officio upon detecting a breach. The complaint shall be examined by the Board and answers shall be provided to those concerned. If no replies are given within sixty days as of the date of the complaint, the request shall be deemed to be rejected. If, as a result of inspections upon receiving a complaint or ex officio investigation, a breach is detected, the Board shall rule the identified contraventions of law to be eliminated by the data controller, and shall notify those concerned accordingly. This decision shall be fulfilled without delay but no later than within thirty days as of the notification of the decision. The Board is authorized to halt data processing or international transfer of data if damages that are hard or impossible to compensate occur and if there is an explicit infringement of the law.
We would like to emphasize that your data is meticulously protected by the Company and thank you for the trust that you place in us.
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We use cookies to improve your user experience on our website. You can access our cookie information text via the Information page.
We use mandatory cookies on our website for our system to work. These cookies are constantly active to ensure that the system operates correctly, healthily and securely.